Thursday, February 22, 2018

Trying a new thing!

How do we go about beginning that not so easy task? For the young at heart it sometimes may be easier to do but for the middle aged like myself is seems like it became a lot harder than before. Now I have a lot more thing's and people of importance in my life. Well things may not be as important but the people are. I don't know if other people feel the same way I do at this point in my life, after 2 divorces and 3 kids I'm not sure how I'm really suppose to act or behave.  Do I try to live vicariously through my children or am I suppose to behave like an old stuffy cat lady?

Either way is there a certain way I'm suppose to behave or what? Being 47 is kinda being stuck in limbo *whatever that's suppose to mean* but not being sure about alot of thing's in our lives is not such a great feeling. So I ask you this. Where does one go from here? Plan and simple. Do I become a quite middle aged woman or can or should I become this wild and crazy girl that I've always been as I was younger, hummmm..
*not that I can handle it as good I use to*

But I will say that this is one question to ponder on.

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